
Week 62

Hello, to the scattered few who are still there,

I set a record yesterday with my weight….137 lbs.  I’m sure the increase was partially due to eating a bunch of pizza the night before while participating in the annual fantasy football draft.

The next day, however, I came down with something.  I started the morning off with diarrhea, then horrendous stomach cramping, followed by an ache-y feeling all over.  I was concerned this might be an early reaction to the radiation treatments, and I talked to the nurse at the treatment center about that.  She said, no, it’s too early for diarrhea to start….we’re only 6 sessions in, and that doesn’t happen (if it does at all) until after about a month of treatment; and the radiation wouldn’t have anything to do with the stomach cramps.  So I presume it had to do with the pizza and the close quarters of ten guys sweating over their draft picks.

I hardly ate a thing yesterday and went to bed about 5:30…slept in till 9 am this morning, feeling better. But much lighter…134.4 lbs!

We had great time visiting grandbaby Elyra last weekend, and we were supposed to return to Grants Pass over this Labor Day weekend.  But Carol went by herself, as we didn’t want to expose Elyra to whatever cruddies I was suffering from.  So I can’t post any pictures of Elyra now, as the pictures are all in Carol’s phone.

I talked to my oncologist last week about the hormone shot they gave me, and she said I will only get that one shot, which lasts six months, and I won’t continue on with shots every six months after that.  That’s a relief.  And now I no longer have to take the daily hormone pill. The ongoing shots are for those folks who are classified ‘very high risk’.  I am only ‘high risk’.  Maybe ‘moderate-to-high risk’.

Anyhow, since there is not much to report, I think I’ll suspend the blog-writing until the end of September.  Then I can let you know what the PET scan results were on the esophageal cancer and how the prostate radiation is going.

Until next month, then, here’s a little something….

My Helper

I’ve got a little helper

He pushes papers off the desk

He walks across my tablet

Where he flops to take a rest.


He tries to bite my pencil

While I try to write a line

He treads all across my papers

And must think that I don’t mind.


He head-butts me on my glasses

And pushes on my head

Then he settles on my working space

As though it were his bed.


His tail has a nervous twitch

And it sweeps across the desktop

He knocks my pencils to the floor

From his self-appointed rest stop.


And then like that he hears a noise

And quickly he takes flight

So now I’m left all alone

With naught to do but write.


9 thoughts on “Week 62

  1. Sorry to hear about your ‘cruddies’ – and missing a visit to Elyra and her family. Keep up the good fight. I will check back in October.
    Loved this poem !

  2. Hello Chris, This is a blast from the past. This is Christine Freeman. I worked with you when we were in the Budget Bureau. I am the tall Japanese woman with the mole on my upper lip. You nicknamed me the “Red Baron” because I also wore thick glasses. LOL We worked hard when we were in Budgets, but obviously, we had fun, too. Right, “Boneface”??? LOL I wanted to tell you that I just celebrated 20 years of being cancer free! My surgery was on Sept 1, 1998. And, every mammogram, MRI and check-up has shown me to be cancer free. So, as you have also shown, there is live after cancer. You have shown that! Thank you for sharing your journey. You are inspirational. Sending thoughts and prayers to you. Christine Freeman AKA “The Red Baron”

    1. Dear Red Baron,
      Very nice to hear from you! Congratulations on being 20 years cancer fee! I sure hope I am as fortunate as you in this endeavor. I go for my one year PET scan checkup this month for the esophageal cancer, while I’m in the middle of dueling with the prostate cancer via radiation blasts. All the medical folk have been great, and I am optimistic all will be well.
      Yes, we had a good time in Budgets, and I continued the fun in Estimates for a few years after that. I still get together once or twice a year with some DSS fiscal folks for golf and/or lunch. ‘Twas a good group, eh.
      Live, life….what the heck.
      Congrats again, Christine, and keep on enjoying live. (ha ha).
      Chris Boneface

  3. Chris, that should say “life” after cancer. Obviously, I did not learn what you told us in your writing class about carefully reading what you write. LOL

  4. Hello Chris,
    Sounds like you are back in to “treatment mode”, and as usual, facing it directly with positive expectations. Your attitude in the face of real threats is instrumental in reminding me not to sink to worrisome depths from my mosquito bites. You’re my Guru!!

    We are leaving on the 14th of the month for a visiting session with The Solari’s, Hallstone’s. and my sister. If it is convenient for you we will stop by and take you to lunch. Otherwise, we can wait til your through this session of radiation, and feeling better. Regardless, you are in our loving thoughts and prayers, and we look forward to seeing you asap.

    Your friend,

  5. Hi Chris,
    Congratulations on the new granddaughter. Wish your kids were still in Portland instead of Grants Pass so that we could see you occasionally.
    I’m still cheering you on from the sidelines – your defensive moves against both cancers are praiseworthy. I’d pick you number one in my fantasy health hero draft.
    Holding you in the Light as always,

    1. Gregory,
      Good to hear from you. And by the way, I was forwarded from the Crowe contingent a humorous analysis you and your ex-sem crew did on something…I forget what it was, but it darn funny!
      Anyway, thanks for your thoughts. And, yeah, it’s too bad there’s no excuse to go up to Portland anymore. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t look for rendezvous opportunities.
      Cheers, my friend.

  6. Dear Chris,
    Congratulations on your new granddaughter. I’ve been cheering you on from the sidelines and am very impressed with your defensive play against both cancers. I’d definitely have you as my first choice in the fantasy draft for health heroes.
    Keeping you in the Light, as always,

  7. Dear Chris,
    Congratulations on your new granddaughter.
    I’ve been cheering you on from the sidelines over the past year and am mightily impressed with your defensive play against both cancers. You’d definitely be my first choice in the fantasy draft for health heroes.
    Holding you in the Light, as always,

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